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Hi! I'm Laurie

Laurie Head Shot

Guess it all started with my Mom & Dad...didn't it all for everyone!  As a young girl redoing my bedroom every year on a VERY lean budget.  Thanks Mom!


Then flipping homes and assisting realtors way before HGTV even existed!  Give me a rubber band, a flat bed sheet and a piece of wood - and watch what wild things I can do!

Allow me to bring my amazing and sometimes crazy budget minded decor ideas to your home!  I can repurpose almost ANYTHING!

My goal is to give your home the look or design you want using your personal items and if we need to change it up with a few new things - we can find it at bargain prices.

I am HSR Certified Home Stager & Home ReDesigner.

On a personal note... I am mother of 2 amazing daughters, an empty nester and partner to an amazing man!

We are located in Argyle, Texas! 


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Yes... before I chose to let my hair go natural

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