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Interior ReDesign
Never heard of it? Most people haven’t! We utilize your existing home furnishings and decor and design a plan around your desired look!  Not sure of the look you want… we will help you figure that out!​

We will move furniture to other rooms or just rearrange your current setting if needed.
And if you want to SELL it... we will handle it all for you!  We can assist you in handling the process from
 start to finish! 

We will discuss COLOR and if needed maybe an update.  Color can change everything!

Long & Lost
We will dig through closets, garages, attics and existing rooms and find those long lost items and repurpose them.

We will go bargain shopping if needed! To fill in the missing pieces to tie in with your existing items.  Facebook marketplace, @Home, Home Goods or even garage sales!

Finishing Touches
Art?  Arrangement?  We got you!  We can create our own, utilize what you have or maybe buy something.

More Services...

We can help you get organized and assist with furniture placement in your new home.

You name it!  We can handle any interior project!

Portraits, Products and Branding!   Check out

Home Staging
Ready to sell?  We can lower your market time and increase your selling price.  If you are a Realtor please check out our Realtor page.

She was able to rearrange my furniture in every room to make the rooms appear larger and more spacious.


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